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15.09.2013 Bulletin

by Marita
(Montevideo Uruguay)


"The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made." ---- Franklin P. Adams

Dear Folks,

Santa Rosa is here! Not a real saint, but the traditional last storm of winter - the final gasp before Spring arrives in earnest. Although you wouldn't know that Spring hadn't already arrived given the 80+ degrees Montevideo had just a few days ago; and from all the flowers that have already started blooming!

Uruguay Info Exchange meets at La Papoñita every Sunday at 14:00 (2 pm)! And if the Santa Rosa is still with us we'll do our best to enjoy it as another of Montevideo's usually-gentle reminders of the seasons, and harbinger of Spring. So come join us this Sunday, the 15th of September, to meet new people, renew acquaintances with those you already know, and to discuss all manner of topics--whatever interests you.

This week's items of note include:

1. The price increases that some have seen in the ferias and elsewhere may be getting a little more "official", as Bus fares will be going up beginning this Sunday. For instance, the Común will rise from $20 to $21 (pesos). Be sure to have those extra pesos with you when you come to this week's gathering at La Papoñita!

2. And taxis are asking for a 12.8% increase...

3. But on the lighter side, Uruguay is in the Guiness World Records again, as an Uruguayo and his wife have been recognized as having the most body modifications. If you're into that sort of thing and want to see the list, here's a link:

4. If movies are more to your liking, from September 26 to October 6 will be the 12th Montevideo Film Festival - details here:

5. Lastly, for Spanish learning, check out In addition to general Spanish, some of the free videos offered at this site are actually Rio de la Plata oriented and with Uruguayo accent!

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