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Uruguay Coat of Arms


Uruguay Coat of Arms

The Uruguay coat of arms is one of the national symbols that Uruguay citizens view with great pride and admiration. This South American nation is home to more 3 million citizens and they honor the history and traditions upon which their country was founded.

While many people may connect the idea of a coat of arms with the history of an individual family, there are many who do not realize that countries also select a coat of arms. These symbols can help unify the people of a nation and make them feel as though they are indeed a large, extended family unit.

The nation of Uruguay has been through many turbulent times prior to becoming an established, independent country. Although most know this land as simply Uruguay its name is still officially designated as the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. Natives and other Spanish speaking people may refer to it as Republica Oriental del Uruguay.

Both the nation's flag and the coat of arms of Uruguay were adopted by the governing board in the early 1800s. These national emblems have much in common as far as the overall design is concerned.

The Sun of May is well represented on both of them. This unique depiction of the sun features a combination of straight and wavy rays that extend in all directions. This pictorial representation reflects the Mayan history and influence on art in South America.

The Uruguay coat of arms is composed of an oval silhouette. This is divided into 4 sections that are all of equal size. Rising over the top of these sections is a glorious, shimmering sun with a bright golden color. The rising sun is meant to symbolize the rise and emergence of an independent Uruguay.

Around the outer edges of the oval you will note that there is a laurel branch depicted on the left hand side and an olive branch is shown on the right hand side. These two branches are tied together at the bottom of the oval with a bright blue ribbon. The joining together of both of these branches symbolizes the honor and peace that the Uruguay people have won over the years.

On the coat of arms there are additional symbols including a scale balance to represent the equality and justice for every citizen.

A picture of a horse represents freedom and liberty and the drawing of an ox signifies abundance. There is also a symbol for strength which is denoted by a drawing of the hill of Montevideo.

The overall beauty and unique design of the Uruguay coat of arms captures the imagination and makes it possible for everyone to connect with the nation's proud history.

Uruguay's Motto in Spanish is "Libertad o muerte" or translated into English means "Liberty or Death"

National Anthem of Uruguay or Translated in Spanish - Himno Nacional Uruguayo

The Uruguay Coat of Arms is just one of the many
interesting facts about the culture of Uruguay

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