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Uruguay upcoming Event
First MMS Seminar in Uruguay

by Sam Oniel
(Atlantida Uruguay)

First MMS Seminar in Uruguay

Tentative date: September 21st, 22nd and 23rd (English and Spanish)

Here is the location where it will be held: Minas, Lavalleja. It´s 120 km far from Montevideo (the capital city of Uruguay), and 75km from Punta del Este, (the most important tourist center in Uruguay).

Speakers include:
Bishop Mark. (Co-founder of Genesis II Church of Health and Healing; Co- developer of MMS Protocols, MMS Conference speaker)

Jonatan D. Grenon (Co-Developer of MMS (CDS Protocols, MMS Conference trainer)

Note: It is possible that Archbishop Jim Humble will attend the seminar, depending on his schedule at that time.

MMS Seminar includes:

1. New MMS Video protocols in English.
2. All up to date MMS Instructional and Protocol videos.
(Including "making of CDS")
3. "Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium" e Book.
4. MMS Seminar Workbook - (Health Sacraments Workbook)
5. MMS Seminar Exam.
6. Upon Completion of the Course, 1 free year membership in the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing with membership I.D. Card.
7. Certificate of Completion of MMS Seminar, (Downloadable PDF).
8. Minister of Health Certificate with Reverend I.D. card.
9. Certificate of Authorization to start a Genesis II Church chapter,
(Downloadable PDF).
10. Special Health Minister newsletter from Genesis II Church.
11. Constant updates, news and much much more!!

Note: We want everyone of you to have the confidence and experience, so that you can apply what you´ve learned when you return home.

If you are interested in attending the seminar please contact us at:, or

It´s important for us to know if you are going to attend, so that we can confirm the seminar date, and price

Thank you!

Rev. Aline de la Peña
Cel 091404708 (Uruguay)

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