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Bicentennial of Uruguay

by Evelyn
(Montevideo Uruguay)

Cabildo of Montevideo

Cabildo of Montevideo

Today Monday October 10th, we celebrate the 200 years in remembrance of the General Jose Gervacio Artigas as head of the East.

In commemoration of that event will be offering different settings street performances by national and international artists.

In different parts of the downtown area of the city, the celebrations began at 4:00 PM the scenarios are located in Plaza Cagancha on July 18 and Javier B. Amorin (opposite the Municipality of Montevideo), at Avenida del Libertador and Paysandu and Plaza Independencia

Picture 1 is Cabildo of Montevideo, in colonial times served as seat of government.

Picture 2 Gate of the citadel, National Monument, the only remains of which lay the historic walls of Montevideo in the colonial era.

Door that has preserved the citadel built to keep out enemies at the Rio de la Plata, Montevideo City and its port. This door is the mute testimony of one of the only two Spanish constructions of this category in America.

You can still see the Cube South, some parts of the wall and remains of the vaults or Powder.

Picture 3 Constitution Square, Square Matrix in colonial times, the city's main square.

Picture 4 Mausoleum of Artigas, Plaza Independencia, urn of the remains of General Jose Gervacio Artigas

Explore Uruguay > Pictures > Videos > Montevideo > History > Holidays

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